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It's easier to win if you're a winner

Life is easier when you're a winner. That seems self-evident and unfair, but it's true.

But winning is a chicken-and-egg problem.

It's hard to win until you win and once you win, it gets easier to win! Life is a comedy, indeed.

"For to everyone who has will more be given, and he will have abundance; but from him who has not, even what he has will be taken away." Matthew 25:29

Perhaps you feel you've been losing for months, years, decades. Maybe you don't even know what winning feels like.

An amazing truth is that who "wins" and who "loses" is within our grasp.

If you're playing games you often lose, you have the agency to switch games. You can redefine what it means to "win," surround yourself with winners, or change your habits.

No winner every came to fruition thinking "I'm a loser." Winners are born by saying "I'm a winner and I'm acting like one," even when reality might say otherwise.

The crazy thing? Once you start winning, it gets easier to win. That's a fact of the Pareto Principle and power laws.

Start with your head, set achievable goals, and start winning.