Despite their training
There's an old saying in sport that many of the best succeed "despite their training, not because of it"—professional athletes are notorious for having diet and training habits that aren't scientifically backed and are, in many cases, ill-advised.
These individuals succeed despite following non-optimal routines NOT because of the routines themselves. As it would turn out, being an excellent basketball or football player does not make you an expert on strength or nutrition.
The same is true of the best in any domain. Just because an athlete, programmer, CEO, or "expert" is talented doesn't mean they know what they're doing.
It doesn't mean you need to buy an expensive greens powder using their referral code and it certainly doesn't mean you need to go on 48 hour coding binges.
Do not look to anecdotes as justification or excuses.
Use logic and reason to make your own decisions. That just might be the difference that makes you the very best at what you do.