You've put in the hours. The sweat. The sacrifice. Now you're waiting for results.
Unfortunately, life isn't a vending machine—we don’t insert effort and receive reward.
Real results take time: sometimes months, sometimes years, sometimes longer than we'd like to admit.
Many of us are wired for hustle. When results don't come, we’ve learned to be dissatisfied.
"I deserve better than this."
"Maybe I'm not working hard enough."
"I need to push harder."
If you’re already giving your best, additional effort in is like trying to climb out of a well by digging deeper.
Michael Phelps doesn’t become a better swimmer by training more. He becomes a better swimmer by focusing on strategy or how to train.
Sam Altman doesn’t become a better CEO by sleeping less, he becomes a better CEO by making good decisions—which likely requires sleeping more.
Patience gives us space to breathe and often room to spot better solutions.
You can always work smarter, you can’t always work harder.