You'll never be on the same team twice
It's rare to be on a great team. It's rare to have a championship season or a winning run. Those experiences can be unforgettable.
In work and life, great teams are harder still to find. People who get the work done and put themselves last are the exception, not the rule.
A winning run at a great company is higher stakes. It can define a career.
Now, I'll bet you never played a sport with the same team two seasons in a row. You never had a class with the same peers as last semester. Never went to work with exactly the same group as last quarter.
Every person you play, compete, study, or build with is unique. Every combination of people is a lottery ticket.
You only get one season, one quarter, one semester with that team. If there's potential for lightning in a bottle, you'd better catch it. If there's not, you might as well cherish it.
You'll never be on the same team twice. Make the most of it.