We are what we think
What defines you? What's your identity?
For many of us, identity is dictated by how we spend our time. Working, with friends, at the gym, in the woods. Our priorities manifest as waking hours, which reflect who we are... or who we want to be.
But life is fragile.
As we saw during COVID, there's quite a bit that can be taken away at a moments notice. That can be hard. Large changes in how we live can impact our sense of self.
Maybe you were the type of person who met your friends every weekend. Or the type of person who went into the office. For a few years, that might have been impossible.
If I define myself as a competitive weightlifter, but can no longer compete, what am I? If I invest myself in my career, but I lose my job, who am I?
Attachment, however well-intentioned, can weigh us down when we have to let go of "who we are," or define ourselves differently.
The solution, however unsatisfying, is to be willing to let go of, well... everything. Everything, that is, except what we control.
And the only thing we truly control is what goes on between our ears. So in that sense, we are what we think.
The overwhelmingly good news is: every single second, we can decide exactly who we are.